Saturday, October 22, 2011

Time is money, Time is power

If you have the luxury of time to live forever, what would you do with it?  

In Time

In a future where time is literally money, and aging stops at 25, the only way to stay alive is to earn, steal, or inherit more time. The wealthy have accumulated thousands of years, allowing them to live forever, while the poor beg, borrow, and steal enough minutes to make it through the day. Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) lives life a minute at a time, until a windfall of time gives him access to the world of the wealthy, where he teams up with a beautiful young heiress (Amanda Seyfried) to destroy the corrupt system

1 comment:

Most Desirable said...

Hi,i watched the movie but didn't like it. There are many sci-fi movies better eg. Inception, to name one. I also don't like to watch singers turning into actors. That always flops. Pls do drop by for my story for Halloween.